Divorce at any age can be daunting, but research shows that those who divorce earlier may have a better chance at recouping their financial losses than those who divorce later. Why does a grey divorce strain finances more? When people divorce in their late fifties or...
Should I fight for the family home in my divorce?
For many families, the residence they share is their biggest asset. This isn’t all that surprising given that a couple can spend decades building up equity. It also carries a lot of sentimental value as well. This is why when a marriage falters and heads toward...
The age children are most impacted by divorce
They say children as resilient, and that is mostly true. However, when it comes to experiencing the divorce of his or her parents, a child could be greatly impacted. Whether it is a high conflict or amicable parting, a child of divorce could be affected by the process...
Four things you should not do if you are getting divorced
During your divorce, you may find it difficult to stay on your best behavior. If your marriage was particularly contentious or chilly, you may feel inclined to wage an all-out war on your ex. Yet, engaging in certain actions could make proceedings more difficult than...
With divorce comes the task of divvying up shared property
Splitting property is one of the most challenging and confusing parts of a divorce proceeding. Even if you can clearly identify items that you’ve acquired, it doesn’t necessarily mean the item or the item’s value is yours to keep upon divorce. To understand what...
Child support and requesting a modification in Pennsylvania
Family law issues in Pennsylvania can be difficult to navigate. This is especially true when children are involved. If there is a child support order, the custodial or noncustodial parent might, at some point, want it to be modified. Understanding the details involved...
Thoughtful conversations may help your child cope with divorce
Going through a divorce isn’t an easy experience. As a parent, it’s important to keep in mind that your little ones might also be feeling stressed or sad as they move homes and witness the end of their parent’s relationship. Knowing the emotional toll that it can take...
What to include in a parenting plan
When parents in Pennsylvania get divorced or otherwise choose to end their relationship, they will typically share custody or other rights to their children. In most cases, the rights of each parent are listed in a written parenting plan. Ideally, the plan will...
Financial planning tips for those who are divorced
A divorce can have a significant impact on a person's finances. However, with proper planning, individuals in Pennsylvania and throughout the country can overcome the hurdles that they may face after ending their marriages. One of the first steps a person might want...