Title Review
Delaney & Fritz, P.C., is an oil and gas title law firm providing examinations and certification in Pennsylvania for oil and gas production companies. Our legal team, which consists of our own in-house title abstractors, title analysts and attorneys, is highly experienced in the multiple levels of title review and the due diligence required when purchasing oil and gas assets.
The work of our attorneys and staff is unique because of the sophisticated process employed to ensure accurate, highly reliable opinions. Our lawyers cater to the needs and varied specifications of every client.
With a variety of products and services, more than 50 exploration and production companies have entrusted us with oil and gas title examinations and certifications. Mistakes in this practice area are extremely costly, prompting exploration and production companies to work with only the most experienced firms.
Pennsylvania has a rich history with the oil and gas industry, one that has changed greatly over the last decade. The newly developed shale drilling techniques have brought more litigation in recent years. We work hard to protect the investments of the companies that retain our legal services from expensive mistakes.
For More Information About Title Review
We invite oil and gas exploration companies to contact us by calling 724-349-2255 or via email. Our attorneys have experience in natural resources, and oil and gas title law in Pennsylvania.